Originz LLC was founded in early 2001 to support the creation of new food systems. We identified a need to reconnect people with the land and the water, to reconnect people to the farmers and ranchers that raise the crops and livestock, and to reconnect people to those who prepare our food. Today people “Google” the Web for everything, including the story behind their food. Originz can help develop the strategy and plan needed to build trust in your brand.
Originz is a knowledge-based service provider with a network of expert resources from communities of practice within the food and agriculture sectors, the purchasing discipline, the futurist community, and institutions leading the thought process on new systems and solutions.
We propose that when people know where their food comes from and what is involved in its preparation, they will have a better appreciation and will value the efforts of all people and resources involved. This will build trust in food as a solution for healthy living and allow for better stewardship of the planet's resources used in food preparation. We understand that all markets, whether they are country roadside stands or billion-dollar global transactions, involve both producers and consumers and that a stronger dialog between both, in their respective situations, will result in the creation of better future food systems. Our role is to help facilitate that process by applying our research capacity and knowledge to our client's needs. |
